Thursday, January 6, 2011

If I knew it was your birthday I would have baked you a cake

"Happy New Year!' & "Happy Birthday" is all I have been hearing for the past week and don't get me wrong, I love a happy attitude for the new year coming in and towards me for my birthday, but I'm not so sure about my birthday plans.

Why? you ask... Well, ever since I can remember, my birthday's always been a very eventful and momentous time. I celebrated my 21st birthday with a host of fabulous friends and loved it. This year, having made no plans; I'm celebrating it with me, myself and I in front of a laptop, moaning how un-eventful my birthday has been. Maybe I should just keep drinking the christmas gifted wine next to me or maybe with the magic of the internet, I should create an eventful weekend.

Alas (A lack and oh bugger!) while looking at my schedule, I can't make plans because of work. Isn't that ALWAYS the way!? You have a birthday and because of work you have to either work the day it's on (which I have done), or work the weekend you're plans are made, or in my case, not made (which I also have done).

So do I ring in sick to work or just work? My plans will be set this weekend, with or without management's approval.

Music Review: Owl City

Owl City is more then music. It is social commentary written to music, composed by Adam Young and Matthew Thiessen. I was given the CD by one of my best friends and another Wellington showgirl for Christmas and while I love the catchy hook of 'Cave In' and 'Fireflies', I wasn't too impressed on many of the other songs.

 They somewhat lacked something and sounded like filler music; you know the music on a CD that's there just to pad the CD out. On the bonus disc (I was given the 'DELUXE' edition) There is a very campy remix of 'Hello Seattle' in which I have been blasting for days on end.

Although the CD is good, I think the neighbours are a little sick of hearing Owl City. I am a little reserved on the content, I give this CD 3 out of 5 sequin stars this week.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lemons, Limes or Lurgey?

So rather then going back to bed, I decided that, since I'm uber glamour and the ultimate housewife (wait till you try my pavlovas!) and on the road to recovery (after falling mysteriously ill yesterday morning with suspected asthma/pneumonia like symptoms) - I decided to make a large jug of delicious lemon juice.

Now my lovelies, to make mama's lemon juice you need:
  • 4 Large ripe lemons
  • 1 Cup of sugar
  • 1L of Boiling* water
  • 1 sliced lemon for decoration or
  • Lemon Rind
  • 1x 1.5/2L Jug (An old glass milk jug or Pyrex jug is just perfect)
  • Table spoon to mix
To make:
Cut all the lemons into halves. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons into the jug using your butch, well manicured lady hands or for you poofy types with more style and grace then a supermodel, you may use a lemon squeezer - making sure no pips from the lemons are in with the mixture. I will cut you if I see floaties in your drink! Fill your jug up with 500mls of hot boiling water. Add the cup of sugar as a whole. Don't try and be a scientist with all the mixing of sugar and water. It's sugar and water, you use a spoon to mix it. Add the other 500mls (that makes a litre) of water to the jug. Use a clean cup to taste. Add more water if desired.

TIP: If it's too watery, add one lemon and 1/3 cup sugar, and then 1/2 a lemon and a tablespoon of sugar every 500mls after that.

A delicious treat best served hot, and in the summer on ice with a splash of vodka!